Online Programming
1. At first, I practiced my online programming on the well-known Leetcode. However, I found some paid functions on Leetcode, such as Debug and spell check, are free on Nowcoder, so I mainly use Nowcoder to train my programming now
2. The reason why I choose C for online programming is that C is relatively rudimentary and does not have many powerful built-in functions that Python and C++ have. So programming with C allows me to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of data structure & algorithm
Recursion (DFS)
BM56 Full arrangement of numbers with duplicates (有重复项数字的全排列)
1. Using macro definition to realize exchange: #define swap (x,y,t) (t = x, x = y, y = t)
2. Solution:
int count=0;
char *tmp, *rec;
char *out[];
void dfs(char* s, int i, int len){
if (i == len) { // End condition
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if (j > 0 && s[j] == s[j - 1] && rec[j - 1] == 0)
continue; // Sorting can put the same numbers together so that you can skip them here
if (rec[j] == 0) {
rec[j] = 1;
tmp[i] = s[j];
dfs(s, i + 1, len);
rec[j] = 0;
int main(){
qsort(s,strlen(s),sizeof(char),cmp); // Sorting is the key! The "cmp" function is omitted here
HJ43 Labyrinth problem (迷宫问题)
1. A template for such problem:
void dfs(int n, int m){
maze[n][m]=1; // Mark this position has been passed
if(n==row-1 && m==col-1){ // End condition
if(n+1<row && !maze[n+1][m]) dfs(n+1,m);
if(m+1<col && !maze[n][m+1]) dfs(n,m+1);
if(n-1>=0 && !maze[n-1][m]) dfs(n-1,m);
if(m-1>=0 && !maze[n][m-1]) dfs(n,m-1);
maze[n][m]=0; // Restore step and mark (Whether backtracking is needed depends on the actual situation)
2. If the entrance is not unique, use for loops (usually 2) in the main func to traverse all the entrances.
- BM57 Number of islands needs to use loops to find 1 to define the entrance of an island. Every time we pass in a position in an island, 0 should be set first, but it cannot be restored to 1 after passing out! Otherwise, we would enter the same island multiple times during the loops
HJ67 & HJ89 24-point game (24点游戏)
1. Use array “rec” to mark whether the number has been used, to further achieve the full arrangement:
for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
2. The end condition for the requirement to output the formula: (“i” starts from 0)
char* formu[9]; // Because input has the value of 10, a two-dimensional array is needed
if (i == 4) {
if (calc == 24) {
if (!strcmp(formu[0], "+")) { // Elements in array are no longer "char" but "string"
flag = 1;
for (int l = 1; l < k; l++) { // Skip the first operator
printf("%s", formu[l]);
HJ71 String wildcard (字符串通配符)
1. A confusible point in C:
- Elements in an array defined by malloc, can be accessed with “*a++”, but cannot be assigned with it (“++” will change the position of the pointer)
- Elements in an array defined by a[n], cannot be accessed and assigned with *a++
- Elements in arrays defined in both ways above can be accessed and assigned with *(a+i)
2. Solution:
bool match(char* str, char* str1) {
if (*str == '\0' && *str1 == '\0') // End at the same time, return true
return true;
if (*str == '\0' || *str1 == '\0') // One ends first, return false
return false;
if (*str == *str1 || abs(*str - *str1) == 32) {
return match(str + 1, str1 + 1);
else if (*str == '?' && (isdigit(*str1) || isalpha(*str1))){
return match(str + 1, str1 + 1);
else if (*str == '*' && (isdigit(*str1) || isalpha(*str1))) {
while (*str == '*') { // Multiple "*" are equivalent to one "*"
return match(str + 1, str1) || match(str + 1, str1 + 1) || match(str, str1 + 1);
// 0 matched: str+1, str1 fixed; 1 matched: str+1, str1+1; Multiple matched: str fixed, str+1
return false;
HJ50 Arithemetic (四则运算)
1. Solution:
int i;
int calc(char* in, int len) {
char flag = '+';
int stack[40];
int tmp = 0, out = 0, top=-1;
while (i < len) {
tmp = 0;
if (in[i] == '{' || in[i] == '[' || in[i] == '('){
tmp = calc(in, len);
while (in[i] >= '0' && in[i] <= '9') {
tmp = tmp * 10 + in[i] - '0';
switch (flag) {
case '+': stack[++top] = tmp; break;
case '-': stack[++top] = -tmp; break;
case '*': stack[top] *= tmp; break;
case '/': stack[top] /= tmp; break;
if (in[i] == '}' || in[i] == ']' || in[i] == ')') {
flag = in[i++];
for (int j = 0; j <= top; j++) {
out += stack[j];
return out;
HJ82 Decompose true fraction into Egyptian fractions (埃及分数分解)
Description: For example, 8/11 = 1/2 + 1/5 + 1/55 + 1/110
1. Solution:
while(scanf("%lld%c%lld", &fz, &slash, &fm)!=EOF){ // Use "scanf" to directly change "char" into "int"
long long x=fm/fz;
long long y=fm%fz;
HJ107 Calculate cube root (求解立方根)
1. Output the float variable with specified number of decimals, like 2: printf("%.2f", i);
HJ108 Find the least common multiple (求最小公倍数)
1. Find the greatest common divisor of “a” and “b”: int gcd(int a, int b){ return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a%b); }
2. The least common multiple: (a*b) / gcd(a,b)
JZ14 Cut a rope (剪绳子)
Description: For example, when the length of the rope is 8, we cut it into three sections with lengths of 2, 3, 3 to get the maximum product 18
1. “N” divided by “M” and rounded up: int res = (N - 1) / M + 1;
BM90 Minimum window substring(最小覆盖子串)
1. Solution:
char* minWindow(char* S, char* T ) {
int lens=strlen(S), lent=strlen(T), out=lens+1, l=0, r=0, k=0;
char* hash=calloc(128, sizeof(char));
for(int i=0;i<lent;i++){
lent--; // 1 matched
while(!lent){ // All matched, narrow the left bound (at this time in "hash", only values of the characters to be matched are 0, others are negative)
out=r-l; // Record length "r-l" and start position "l" of the substring
lent++; // This is an element that needs to be included, which means narrowing is completed. So we can end the "while(!lent)"
if(out==lens+1) // Matching is incomplete
return "";
S[k+out]='\0'; // End the string and prepare for the "return"
return &S[k];
HJ27 Find sibling words (查找兄弟单词)
Description: Define the sibling of a word as a word that can be generated by exchanging the letters in the word any times but without adding, deleting or modifying letters
1. By judging whether a value in hash is zero after “++” and “–”, you can know whether all elements of two strings with different orders are the same:
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
BM20 Inverse pairs in an array (数组中的逆序对)
1. Solution: Merge sort
static long P = 0;
static int tmp[100000];
void merge(int* arr, int* tmp, int l, int mid, int r) {
int ll = l, rr = mid + 1, k = 0;
while (ll <= mid && rr <= r) {
if (arr[ll] < arr[rr])
tmp[k++] = arr[ll++];
else {
P += (mid - ll + 1);
P %= 1000000007; // Surely these 2 steps are not needed in the normal template of merge sort
tmp[k++] = arr[rr++];
while (ll <= mid) {
tmp[k++] = arr[ll++];
while (rr <= r) {
tmp[k++] = arr[rr++];
for (int i = l; i <= r; i++){
arr[i] = *(tmp++); // Array "data" pointed by the formal parameter pointer "arr" will change accordingly
void mergesort(int* arr, int l, int r) {
int mid = (l + r) / 2;
if (l < r) {
mergesort(arr, l, mid);
mergesort(arr, mid + 1, r);
merge(arr, tmp, l, mid, r);
int InversePairs(int* data, int dataLen ) {
mergesort(data, 0, dataLen - 1);
return P;
BM54 Three sum (三数之和)
Description: Find all triples in an array that meet “a+b+c=0”
1. Solution:
int** threeSum(int* num, int numLen) {
qsort(num, numLen, sizeof(int), cmp);
int** arr = calloc(300, sizeof(int*));
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numLen - 2; i++) {
int *pre = &num[i+1], *end = &num[numLen - 1];
while (pre < end) {
if (num[i] + *pre + *end == 0) {
arr[k] = calloc(3, sizeof(int));
arr[k][0] = num[i];
arr[k][1] = *pre;
arr[k][2] = *end;
while (*pre == *(pre + 1))
while (*end == *(end - 1))
else if (num[i] + *pre + *end > 0)
while (num[i] == num[i+1])
return arr;
HJ26 String sort (字符串排序)
1. Extract letters from a string in alphabetical order (case-insensitive) and put them into a new array:
for (char j = 'A'; j <= 'Z'; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++) {
if (input[i] == j || input[i] - 32 == j)
character[index++] = input[i];
HJ16 Shopping list (购物单)
Description: There are 3 kinds of goods: main part, accessory 1 and 2, accessories must be purchased after the corresponding main part. Known the price and satisfaction of each product, calculate the maximum satisfaction we can get with money N
1. Store the price and satisfaction of accessories and main parts into the corresponding 2D array (q is the number of corresponding main part):
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
int v, p, q;
scanf("%d %d %d", &v, &p, &q);
if (!q) { // main part
val[i][0] = v; wei[i][0] = v * p;
else if (val[q][1] == 0) { // accessory 1
val[q][1] = v; wei[q][1] = v * p;
else { // accessory 2
val[q][2] = v; wei[q][2] = v * p;
2. 4 cases of state transfer:
- Buy main part
- Buy main part & accessory 1
- Buy main part & accessory 2
- Buy main part & accessory 1 & accessory 2
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
for (int j = N; j >= 0; j--) {
if (val[i][0] <= j) {
dp[j] = Max(dp[j],
wei[i][0] + dp[j - val[i][0]]); // Buy this one "wei[i][0]+dp[j-val[i][0]]" or not "dp[j]"
if (val[i][1] && (val[i][0] + val[i][1]) <= j) {
dp[j] = Max(dp[j],
wei[i][0] + wei[i][1] + dp[j - val[i][0] - val[i][1]]);
if (val[i][2] && (val[i][0] + val[i][2]) <= j) {
dp[j] = Max(dp[j],
wei[i][0] + wei[i][2] + dp[j - val[i][0] - val[i][2]]);
if (val[i][2] && (val[i][0] + val[i][1] + val[i][2]) <= j) {
dp[j] = Max(dp[j],
wei[i][0] + wei[i][1] + wei[i][2] + dp[j - val[i][0] - val[i][1] - val[i][2]]);
HJ24 Chorus (合唱队)
Description: Calculate the minimum number of people to leave to form a mountain shaped (eg. 1 3 6 3 2) height formation in a team with N members
1. Solution: Take “i” as the center to find the longest ascending subsequence on both sides from → and ← respectively:
int chorus(int *h, int N) {
int max = 0;
int l[N], r[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
l[i]=1; r[i]=1;
for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (h[j] < h[i] && l[i] < l[j] + 1)
l[i] = l[j] + 1;
for (int i = N-2; i >=0; i--) {
for (int j = N-1; j > i; j--) {
if (h[j] < h[i] && r[i] < r[j] + 1)
r[i] = r[j] + 1;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
int tmp=r[i]+l[i]-1; // Notice the central person "i" was counted twice
return 0;
HJ32 Get password (密码截取)
Description: Get the longest palindrome substring
1. Solution: Traverse all values of length through “i”. If string[j-k] is a palindrome, set dp[j][k] to 1
2. 3 cases of state transfer:
- In the middle of a palindrome with even length
- In the middle of a palindrome with odd length
- In the boundary of a former palindrome
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
for(int j=0;j<len-i;j++){
int k=j+i;
else if (i==1 && in[j]==in[k])
else if(dp[j+1][k-1] && in[j]==in[k])
max=fmax(max, i+1); // length = i+1
Linked List
BM2 Reverse between specified range in linked list (链表内指定区间反转)
1. Develop the habit of using a null node to indicate the linked list (In case the first and last node need to be reversed)
2. Solution: The position of “pre” and “cur” actually don’t change, and constantly insert “new” between “pre” and “cur”
BM9 Remove the nth node from the bottom of a linked list (删除链表的倒数第n个节点)
1. Solution: The fast pointer moves n steps first, then the slow pointer starts. When the fast pointer points to NULL, the slow pointer points to the nth node from the bottom of the linked list.
HJ48 Remove the specified node from a one-way linked list (从单向链表中删除指定值的节点)
1. Definition of the node:
typedef struct LinkNode{
int val;
struct LinkNode* next;
2. Create a node: LinkNode* p=malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
3. If the head node of the linked list is unknown, use the value of targeted node’s next node to cover the value of targeted node, and then remove its next node
Binary Tree
BM26 Binary tree level order traversal (二叉树层序遍历)
1. It is a variation of preorder traversal, that is, the results of preorder traversal are stored hierarchically
static int k=0;
void levelorder(struct TreeNode* root, int level, int** out, int* arrlevel){ // Recursive parameters need to include the current level of the tree
if(root == NULL)
out[level]=calloc(1000,sizeof(int)); // The output array also becomes two-dimensional
levelorder(root->left, level+1, out, arrlevel);
levelorder(root->right, level+1, out, arrlevel);
BM36 Balanced Binary Tree (判断是不是平衡二叉树)
1. Calculate the depth of a tree:
int depth(TreeNode *root) {
if (!root)
return 0;
int ldep = depth(root->left);
int rdep = depth(root->right);
return fmax(ldep, rdep) + 1;
BM40 Reconstruct binary tree (重建二叉树)
1. Solution:
struct TreeNode* recur(int* xianxu, int* zhongxu, int Len){
return NULL;
struct TreeNode* out=calloc(Len, sizeof(struct TreeNode));
int i=0;
int newxxl[i+1], newxxr[Len-i], newzxl[i+1], newzxr[Len-i];
for(int j=0;j<i;j++){
for(int j=0;j+i+1<Len;j++){
out->left=recur(newxxl, newzxl, i);
out->right=recur(newxxr, newzxr, Len-i-1);
return out;
Stack & Queue
BM45 Maximum in sliding window (滑动窗口的最大值)
1. The queue is quite suitable for the maintenance of sliding window (A queue actually is an array with 2 pointers)
2. Definition of the queue:
typedef struct queue{
int data[MAX];
int head;
int tail;
3. Create a queue: Queue q;
HJ30 String merging (字符串合并处理)
1. Tips of switch():
case 'a': // It will execute the same as the next "case"
case 'A': in[i]='5'; break;
HJ33 Conversion between integer and IP address (整数与IP地址间的转换)
1. Convert decimal to binary (8-bit):
void DeciToBina(int n, int* out) {
int length=0;
int a[8];
while (n>0) {
a[length++] = (n % 2);
n = n / 2;
a[length++]=0; // Fill with "0"
for (int i = length - 1, k=0; i >= 0; i--){
out[k++] = a[i]; // Output the remainders in reverse order
2. Convert IP address to binary (32-bit):
void IPToBina(char* in, int* out){
int tmp=0, count=0, c=0;
int* ip[4];
for(int j=0;j<=strlen(in);j++){
if(in[j]!='.' && isdigit(in[j]))
tmp=tmp*10 + in[j]-'0';
else if(in[j]=='.' || j==strlen(in)){
ip[count]=calloc(8, sizeof(int));
DeciToBina(tmp, ip[count++]);
for(int a=0;a<4;a++){
for(int b=0;b<8;b++){
out[c++]= ip[a][b];
HJ77 Trains pull in (火车进站)
Description: Enter a line of positive integers to be pushed, output all schemes of popping in dictionary order
1. Dictionary order: Achieved by qsort and strcmp
- char arr[n][m] :
return strcmp((char*)a, (char*)b);
- char** arr=calloc(…) :
return strcmp(*(char**)a, *(char**)b);
HJ94 Count of votes (记票统计)
1. Tips: Use getchar() to drop a unneeded character from the input
JZ15 Number of “1” in the binary number (二进制中1的个数)
1. Treat the complement of a negative number as the true form to obtain its corresponding positive number:
unsigned int tmp = (unsigned int) n;